# vim: set tw=75 ft=none : 2013-02-16 1.20 - Changed loading of Linux game dll to first try to find the dll under known name with the last '_*' part stripped out. Falls back to the old known name if a file with the stripped name is not found. 2006/??/?? 1.19.1 - Added Mod support for Half-Life 1.5: Weapon Edition version - Added additional entities for Stargate TC 1.0g. 2006/04/17 1.19 - Added support for new HLSDK API functions QueryClientCvarValue2() and ClientCvar2(). The helper function IS_QUERYING_CLIENT_CVAR() is now deprecated as the old functions QueryClientCvarValue() and CvarValue() are considered obsolete and their use is strongly advised against. The helper function IS_QUERYING_CLIENT_CVAR() cannot be used in conjunction with the new API function QueryClientCvarValue2(). - Added GET_HOOK_TABLES() to let plugins make interceptable engine/dll calls. - Added MAKE_REQUEST_ID() to assist plugins in generating request ids for QueryClientCvarValue2(). - Added mod support for Move In! 1.0. - Added mod support for Special Death Match Alpha 2.0. - Fixed a bug where Windows DLL load failures produced an empty message. - Fixed a bug where plugins could not catch NewDLL calls for GameDLLs that do not provide NewDLL information. - Fixed a bug corrupting memory when using Metamod with engines or game dlls with a different interface than the one compiled against, e.g. older engines. 2005/08/24 1.18 - Added new API for loading/unloading plugins. - Added IS_QUERYING_CLIENT_CVAR() for new client cvar engine API. - Added support for new HLSDK-API functions QueryClientCvarValue() and ClientCvar(). - Changed cmd_doplug() to make sure a complete string was not misinterpreted as a number. - Fixed DLCLOSE() to not accept NULL handles. - Fixed a bug where API call wrappers were not saving global states. (This caused problems mainly with bot plugins.) - Fixed reloading failed plugins with "meta reload". - Bumped internal API version to 5:12 (old plugins might ask to be updated). - Commands "meta version" and "meta info" show ifvers for metamod/plugins. - Added mod recognition for Digital Paintball 2.2. - Added mod recognition for Firearms 3.0. 2005/02/20 1.17.4 - Added Mod recognition and entities for Brain Bread 1.2 - Changed Mod recognition and added entities for Snow-War 2.0 - Added additional entity for Science & Industry 1.0. - Mod recognition and entities for Gangsta Wars 2.7. This update removes support for Gangsta Wars 2.6 since 2.7 is incompatible with 2.6. - Added entities for Rival Species 1.2. - Fixed a potential memory leak on plugins loading. - Fixed a memory initialization issue. - Fixed an indexing bug that could cause errors in meta list. 2004/11/10 1.17.3 - Added Mod recognition and entities for Zombie Panic Beta 0.91c. - Added Mod recognition and entities for Out Break 1.0. - Added Mod recognition and entities for Operations 1942 v2.0. - Added Mod recognition and entities for The Trenches 1.0-Beta. - Added Mod recognition and entities for The Ship V0052. - Added additional entity for Natural Selection 3.0 beta 5. - Added Mod entities for Wizard Wars 1.2. - When reloading plugins honour their load time settings. Does no longer attempt to reload plugins when the loading after the unloading would fail due to a load time conflict. - Fixed only loading one plugin when multiple plugins with the same prefix were used, e.g. mm_pluginA.dll and mm_pluginB.dll. (Bug 1040186) - Fixed a minor memory leak when unloading plugins. - Fixed potential bug initializing plugin incorrectly after unloading and loading plugins. 2004/08/20 1.17.2 - Fixed a memory leak the size of the gamedll when extracting a missing gamedll from the cache file on Windows Steam servers. Found by Wei Mingzhi. - Made game directory lookup case-insensitive. - Added Mod recognition for CSV15 (Counter-Strike 1.5 for Steam). - Added Mod recognition for Adrenaline Gamer 6.5 and up. - Added Mod recognition and entities for The Terrorist Revenge 0.2.1. - Added Mod recognition and entities for Pirates, Vikings and Knights Beta 2.1. - Added more entities for Sven Coop 3.0. - Added entities for Vampire Slayer "Chapter VI". - Added entities for Earth Special Forces Beta 1.2. - Added entities for Science & Industry 1.0. - Changed Mod recognition for Adrenaline Gamer 3.x. The 3.x version of the Mod is now being deprecated and support will be removed from a future version of Metamod. It can currently still be used by renaming the game directory from "ag" to "ag3" or by explicitly specifying the gamedll. - Improved parsing of plugins.ini file to not report errors on empty lines and commented out lines that start with whitespace. - Added support for loading AMD64 games (Linux game dso needs to end in "_amd64.so" instead of "_i386.so") in AMD64 Metamod version. - Added "lin32" and "lin64" keywords in addition to "linux" keyword for plugins.ini file to support using the same file for the same game on both 32bit and 64bit servers. The "lin32" and "lin64" keywords override the "linux" keyword when used on the same plugin. Do not use "linux" when using "lin32" and/or "lin64" keywords for the same plugin. - Internal changes: - Changed Makefile to use different object files directory on AMD64 build machines and "_amd64.so" extension for AMD64 Metamod. 2004/05/31 1.17.1 - Additional entities for DoD 1.1. - Added Mod recognition and entities for Hostile Intent 1.1. - Added Mod recognition and entities for Natural Selection Beta 3.0. - Additional entities for Sven Coop 3.0. - Additional entities for Digital Paintball 2.1. - Added Mod recognition for CS13, no new entities. - Additional entity for The Specialits Beta 2.1. - Additional entities for StargateTC Beta 1.1. - Added Mod recognition and entities for Rocket Crowbar 2. - Added Mod recognition and entities for Counter-Strike:Condition Zero. - Additional entities for International Soccer Online 3.0 - Additional entities for Firearms 2.9 and one missing entity for previous Firearms versions. - On Windows Steam servers extract the gamedll file from the cache file if it is missing in the dlls directory. 2003/11/15 1.17 - Added support for recently added routines in the HL Engine: SequenceGet() SequencePickSentence() GetFileSize() GetApproxWavePlayLen() IsCareerMatch() GetLocalizedStringLength() RegisterTutorMessageShown() GetTimesTutorMessageShown() ProcessTutorMessageDecayBuffer() ConstructTutorMessageDecayBuffer() ResetTutorMessageDecayData() - Removed mod recognition and entities for Master-Sword v1.3, at the request of the Mod's authors. - Added mod recognition and entities for HL-Rally vBeta 1.0, Kanonball v1.01, Over Ground vBeta 1.0, Project Timeless vBeta 1.0, Underworld Bloodline v2.0. - Additional entities for The Battle Grounds v1.2.1, Firearms v2.8. - Additional entities "env_rain" and "env_snow" used on some CS maps. - Added "metamod_version" cvar that can be queried from game browser clients. - Added "meta" client command similar to the console command, providing at this time only "list" and "version" subcommands. - Introduced basic config file to provide more reliable and more flexible options passing, in addition to the current +localinfo method. - Default filename: addons/metamod/config.ini - Options include: debuglevel gamedll plugins_file exec_cfg - Added option "+localinfo mm_configfile " to override default config.ini pathname. - Added "meta config" console command to display result of config file and localinfo options. - Added "meta require " console command, to exit the server if the specified plugin is not found loaded and running. Intended for use in server.cfg or metaexec.cfg. Suggested by Florian Zschocke. - If a specified override gamedll pathname is invalid, Metamod will now exit with an appropriate error, rather than falling back to the auto-detected gamedll. This should provide more useful feedback in such situations. - Added GINFO_REALDLL_FULLPATH for mutil GetGameInfo, to return the (supposed) "real" dllpathname, ie in case gamedll is overridden. Needed specifically for plugin "SinglePlayer". - Raised META_INTERFACE_VERSION to 5:10, for GINFO_REALDLL_FULLPATH. - Now recognizes "/dev/null" as valid for path options (pluginsfile, execcfg, configini, etc), for when an empty file _is_ desired. - Fixed loading of plugins.ini to detect duplicate plugins (by full pathname). - Added doc/config.ini with comments to document the file. - Renamed doc/metamod.ini to doc/plugins.ini, and added comments. - Internal changes: - Added conf_meta.cpp, conf_meta.h for config file handling. - Created full_gamedir_path() to centralize code for testing absolute path, prepending gamedir if necessary, calling realpath, and normalizing pathnames. - Most paths are now stored and operated on as fullpathnames, rather than gamedir-relative pathnames. - Now using fopen() rather than LOAD_FILE_FOR_ME when reading text files, in particular due to fullpathnames. - Errorcheck for absolute paths as mm_execcfg filename, since servercommand("exec") won't accept absolute pathanmes. - Added debug messages to valid_gamedir_file(), for checking why it failed to use a specified (config.ini, localinfo) path. - Simplified logic in cmd_doplug() to not require re-mapping pcmd to cmd string. - Fixed Makefile to always recompile meta_api.cpp for changes in info_name.h. - Split lookup_game() into setup_gamedll and lookup_game, to better organize for storing gamedll->real_pathname. - Source and documentation files based on the list of supported game/mods are split into their own files (games.h, supportedmods.html), so they can be generated from a local database rather than maintained manually. - Makefile now using gcc-2.95 explicitly, to avoid using gcc3 at this time. 2003/08/02 1.16.2 - Mod recognition and entities for The Point of No Return v.Beta 4.0. - Even more entities for The Specialists v.Beta 2.0. 2003/07/30 1.16.1 - Mod recognition and entities for Master-Sword v1.3, The Wastes RC 1.2, and Monkeystrike v1.2. - Additional entities for Natural Selection v2.0, The Specialists v.Beta 2.0, Earth's Special Forces v.Beta 1.1, The Battlegrounds v1.2, and International Online Soccer v2.0. 2003/05/08 1.16 - Added support for Server_GetBlendingInterface() in order to allow client and server to properly coordinate custom player model blending. This should fix the issue with mismatched hitboxes observed with CS and DOD. - Mod recognition and entities for International Online Soccer v1.0 and Morbid Inclination v1.0. - Added studioapi.{cpp,h} to provide Server_GetBlendingInterface. 2003/05/03 1.15.3 - More additional entities for Day of Defeat v1.0. 2003/05/02 1.15.2 - Mod recognition and entities for Rival Species vBeta 1.0, Public Enemy vBeta 1.0, and Bumper Cars vAlpha. - Additional entities for Day of Defeat v1.0, Sven Coop v2.1, WormsHL vBeta 3.0, and Natural Selection v1.1. 2003/04/09 1.15.1 - Additional entities for Firearms v2.7 and Desert Crisis v1.5. - Fixed mod recognition for Adrenalinegamer v4.x and later. 2003/02/12 1.15 - Additional entities for VampireSlayer Chapter V. - Fixed entity name "TS_PowerUp" for The Specialists 1.5; should fix precache error for "models/powerup.mdl". - Added DLFNAME implementation for win32, provided by Jussi Kivilinna. Thus, "meta info " will now list registered commands and registered cvars under win32, rather than just under linux. - Now dynamically allocating lists of registered commands and registered cvars, rather than a fixed limit of 1024 (and before that, 512). Based on code provided by Jussi Kivilinna. - Console listing of regcmds/regfuncs now also shows currently allocated list sizes. - Replaced valid_file() using LOAD_FILE_FOR_ME with valid_gamedir_file() using stat(). Thus, it should no longer find unintended files under the "valve" subdirectory. - Normalize filenames under win32 to use slashes (/) and lowercase chars, to get rid of mixed-slashes (ie "half-life\cstrike/dlls") and to simplify pathname comparisons. - Also, canonicalize filenames under both win32/linux to remove ".." and redundant "/" path components, to provide more reliable pathname comparisions. - If meta_CVarRegister fails to find a corresponding plugin for a cvar, it now logs only a Debug message rather than an Error message, as a cvar_t that's malloc'd by a plugin can't be traced back. Problem reported by Olo. - In plugin trace, added "classname" to DispatchSpawn output. - Added is_absolute_path() to centralize the logic, and to be more OS-precise. - Split meta_init_gamedll() from meta_load_gamedll() so that the correct and normalized Gamedir is available earlier in the code. - #define NAME_MAX and PATH_MAX to the correct win32 constants, rather than using (inaccurate) internal values. - Renamed internal classes RegFunc to RegCmd, to provide more easily associated names. - Lots of internal file organization changes: - Removed superfluous symlinks in docs dir. - Renamed toplevel doc files to *.txt. - Added Config.mak to toplevel dir, to provide project name and subdirs, so that toplevel Makefile can be used for multiple projects. - Added copyrights to Makefiles. - Added blurbs to engine notes for FunctionFromName and NameForFunction, based on investigation of singleplayer support. - In source Makefile, added support for compiling linux-only or win32-only projects. - In source Makefile, fixed vdate.o to properly compile for each link. - Removed tmp files in msvc dir (.ncb, .plg). - Added copyright/GPL blurb to *.rc files. - In stub/meta_api.cpp, comment out unused variables rather than doing "if(var)" to satisfy gcc -Wunused. - Reduced vers_meta.h to just the version and other common info, and create info_name.h for module-specific name, desc, etc, so that I'll only have to edit 1 file when increasing version/date for all the DLLs distributed with Metamod. - Made res_meta.rc common among Metamod and the plugins, rather than having a separate res_plugin.rc. - In source Makefile, added "--include-dir" args to windres, so it can find the now common vers_meta.h. - Source Makefile now copies targets into ../dlls, rather than doing that only for comprehensive "dlls" targets. - Added "-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" to possibly reduce code size, suggested by Jussi Kivilinna. - For plugins, renamed ie "mm_wdmisc" to "wdmisc_mm" where it was missed earlier. - For plugins, better organized common code, to make it more adaptable to other plugin projects (ie, singlep). Ie, plugin_query, plugin_attach, plugin_detach; moved plugin welcome banner to meta_api.cpp; etc. - Added tools/stlfilter to help hide -Weffc++ warnings from g++ STL headers (although not using STL at this time..) 2003/01/24 1.14.1 - Properly recognize win32 full pathname from GetGameDir. - Added "#include " for getcwd() under MSVC. - Trace plugin: Changed AlertMessage formatting, ie from "atype=at_console/1" to "atype=at_console(1)". - Stub plugin: fixed to compile under MSVC again. 2003/01/23 1.14 - Fixed to handle new behavior of engine routine GET_GAME_DIR under HL (CS 1.6) beta, where the routine no longer returns the fullpathname of the game directory, but now returns only the string passed to hlds as the argument to "-game" (pointed out by Alfred Reynolds). - Added meta-util function GET_GAME_INFO to return various string-based information about the gamedll (name, description, gamedir fullpathname, dll fullpathname, dll filename). - Raised META_INTERFACE_VERSION from 5:8 to 5:9. - Added FAQ. - Some docs touchups. 2003/01/18 1.13.4 - Additional entities for betas of Counter-Strike 1.6 and TFC from HL - Added missing #include "osdep.h" to several files, to make sure things like win32 vsnprintf are defined. - In stub plugin, added engine_api.cpp, to provide example framework for hooking engine routines. - In trace plugin, changed logtag to all caps. 2003/01/12 1.13.3 - Additional entities and updated mod recognition for Earth's Special Forces Beta 1. - Mod recognition for Retro Firearms 2.5. - Increased max allowed plugin functions and max allowed plugin cvars from 512 to 1024. - Fixed UTIL_VarArgs and UTIL_LogPrintf (copied from SDK) to use proper bounds-checking (to help prevent buffer overflows). - Updated Copyright to include "2001-2003". 2002/11/26 1.13.2 - Mod recognition and entities for Azure Sheep v1.0, BuzzyBots v2.3, Outlawsmod v.Beta 1.5, The Specialists v.Beta 1.0, and StargateTC v.Beta 2.2. - Additional entities for The Battle Grounds v.Demo 1.0, Firearms v.2.6.5, Global Warfare v.Beta 2.0, and Tour of Duty v1.1 Beta. - Updated mod recognition for Rocket Crowbar v1.9. - Compiled against HLSDK 2.3. - Corrected missing "const" in vdate.h (noted by Ravenous BugBlatter Beast). 2002/10/06 1.13.1 - Mod recognition and entities for Digital Paintball v1.0, Dragon Mod Z v1.7, Holy Wars v.beta2, and OeL Half-Life v4.0. - Additional entities for Adrenalinegamer Mod v6.0 and Natural Selection v1.0. - Corrected a cast in os_safe_call (from Olafur Osvaldsson). 2002/08/24 1.13 - New config file names and locations, per the Addon Development Standard rev 1.00. Default config files are now: - $gamedir/addons/metamod/plugins.ini - $gamedir/addons/metamod/exec.cfg - File "metagame.ini" no longer supported. - Additional entities for WormsHL beta 2.1. - Mod recognition (no entities) for Retro Counter-Strike 2.5. - Added release_notes.html. - Added function "valid_file" in support_meta.h. 2002/07/11 1.12.4 - Additional entities for Day of Defeat beta 3.0 and Tour of Duty 0.9.0. - Mod recognition and entities for Natural Selection 1.0. - Added "$pg" string for /usr/bin/ident. 2002/07/01 1.12.3 - Mod recognition and entities for Valve's Ricochet mod. - Additional entities for Tour of Duty 0.8.0. - Moved common code from LINK_ENTITY_TO_GAME to a function, rather than duplicating the code in ~2000 expanded macros. Based on code from Jussi Kivilinna . 2002/06/04 1.12.2 - Even more entities for Firearms rc2.6. 2002/05/29 1.12.1 - Mod recognition and entities for Desert Crisis 1.1, Tour of Duty 0.6.7, and Train Hunters beta 1.0. - Additional entities for GoldenEye 1.9C and Firearms rc2.6. - Fixed meta-util function GET_PLUGIN_PATH to return the full path as intended, rather than a partial path. - Updated Copyright to include "2001-2002". - Fixed Makefile to not update .tags or .htags by default. 2002/04/22 1.12.0 - Updated for HL 1109, which adds one Engine routine: const char *GetPlayerAuthId(edict_t *e); - Mod recognition and entities for The Battle Grounds 0.6, Gangwars Beta 1.0, and WormsHL Beta 2.0 - Additional entities for Day of Defeat beta 2.0 and Oz 2.5. - Changed error message "user message registered again" to a debug message (level 3). - Fixed compile problem under MSVC with strcasecmp. - Added meta-util function GET_PLUGIN_PATH, so a plugin can know from whence it was loaded. - In trace plugin, added more trace info for EngineFprintf, ServerPrint, IsMapValid, GetPlayerUserId, GetPlayerWONId, GetPlayerAuthId, CVarGetFloat, CVarGetString, AllocString, Time, IsDedicatedServer, GetCurrentPlayer, GetPlayerStats. 2002/02/08 1.11.2 - Hopefully complete list of entities for Day of Defeat beta 2.0. - Don't complain for NULL routines in gamedll's NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS. Should solve "Couldn't find api call: dod.dll:ShouldCollide" errors with DoD b2. - Changed default for newapi ShouldCollide() from 0 to 1, per Mugsy@DoD's observations. 2002/02/03 1.11.1 - Mod recognition and entities for Snow-War 1.0, and Earth`s Special Forces version Alpha 2.0. - Additional entities for Oz 2.4.1, Svencoop 2.0, and partial entities for Day of Defeat beta 2.0. - Added check for duplicate UserMsg registration (should help resolve recent "reached max msgs 256" errors). - Dropped leading zeroes in version number. - Tweaked "interface version" log message to help reduce confusion. - Compiled with updated version of mingw; should help reduce dll filesizes found in the previous release. - Some additional debugging in gamedll entity linking. 2001/12/17 1.11.00 - Mod recognition and entities for Weapon Wars v0.3. - Additional entities for version 1.2 of Global Warfare. - Linux binary linked against glibc-2.1.2 for better compatibility. - 'meta game' now lists user messages registered by gamedll. - Added meta-util functions GET_USER_MSG_ID and GET_USER_MSG_NAME, so plugins that need to know RegUserMsg name/id mappings (like bots) don't need to be loaded at server startup. - Raised META_INTERFACE_VERSION from 5:6 to 5:7. - Fixed NUM_FOR_EDICT error in pfnCenterSay (from Fritz Elfert). - Re-fixed set_new_handler for MSVC (from Fritz Elfert). - Fixed meta_AddServerCommand; was registering plugin's command string rather than local string, causing segfault on plugin unload. - Changed trace plugin to use GET_USER_MSG_NAME instead of local list. - Added 'const' to 'char *' arguments in DLOPEN and DLSYM macros. - Commented out names of unused function paramenters, to satisfy "gcc -Wunused" without generating MSVC errors. - Added '#pragma warning(disable: 4390)' to disable "empty controlled statement" warnings in MSVC. - Updated MSDN url references. 2001/09/19 1.10.00 - Updated for HL SDK 2.2, which adds two Engine routines: qboolean Voice_GetClientListening)(int iReceiver, int iSender); qboolean Voice_SetClientListening)(int iReceiver, int iSender, qboolean bListen); - Mod recognition and entities for "Scientist Hunt" v1.2 and Existence Beta 1.3. 2001/08/01 1.09.00 - Mod recognition and entities for 'Wanted!' v1.5. - Mod recognition for Adrenalinegamer v3.2 and v4.1 (no special entities). - Additional entities for version 2.3 of Oz Deathmatch. - Additional entities for version 1.0 of Wizard Wars. - Additional meta-utility function CALL_GAME_ENTITY. Raised META_INTERFACE_VERSION from 5:5 to 5:6. - Added proper GPL notices. 2001/07/06 1.08.02 - Added mod recognition and entities for Gunman Chronicles. - Added list of supported mods to docs. - Updated MSVC project/workspace files to match recent source changes. - Fixed problem with set_new_handler compiling under MSVC. 2001/06/30 1.08.01 - Updated for Day of Defeat v1.3. The name of its win32 dll changed (was mp.dll; now dod.dll). No new entities. - Added mod recognition and entities for Rocket Crowbar. - Fixed problem with windows internal DLL version (don't use leading zeros as compiler will assume it's octal notation). 2001/06/16 1.08.00 - Allow specifying/overriding various things on the command line, via "+localinfo". Fields are: - mm_gamedll a bot or other dll, instead of the gamedll based on the gamedir. Note this is now the preferred method; the "metagame.ini" file is deprecated, but still recognized for backwards compatibility. - mm_pluginsfile a file with the list of mm plugins, instead of "metamod.ini". - mm_execcfg a cfg file for mm plugin cvar settings, instead of "metaexec.cfg". - mm_debug an initial debug level. - Examples: ./hlds_run -game cstrike +localinfo mm_gamedll dlls/pod_bot.so ./hlds_run -game cstrike +localinfo mm_pluginsfile mylist.ini ./hlds_run -game cstrike +localinfo mm_execcfg mysettings.cfg ./hlds_run -game cstrike +localinfo mm_debug 7 - Don't try exec'ing metaexec.cfg unless it exists. - Added additional entity for Action Half-Life Beta 4, from list forwarded from the dev team. - Added a couple additional entities for Global Warfare, from list provided by the dev team. - Moved a couple entities from the "common" list back to the "valve" list, for better organization. - Changed logmsg "Plugin '%s' interface version didn't match" from "Warning:" to "Note:" to reduce confusion. - Added an optional plugin meta-api routine Meta_Init, to be called prior to GiveFnptrsToDll, to let the dll know that it's going to be queried/loaded as a metamod plugin, to allow for DLL's that can be used as both a metamod plugin _and_ a standalone DLL. Raised META_INTERFACE_VERSION from 5:4 to 5:5. - Removed segfault handler under linux, when calling plugin console command functions, as (a) it masked legitimate segfaults in plugin commands and produced confusing output ("plugin has been unloaded", when really it segfaultd), and (b) wasn't necessary since the situation should be covered by other tests. - Replaced combo SDK macros with inline funcs, and added ones for accessing serverinfo and localinfo infokey buffers. - Unfinished code for event triggers is in the source, but is disabled (since it's not finished yet). 2001/06/10 1.07.03 - improper compile was reporting wrong version number 2001/06/07 1.07.02 - added mod recognition and best-guess list of entities for Deathmatch Classic v1 and Global Warfare Beta 1.0. - updated entity list with best-guess additions and corrected win32 dll name for Wasteland Beta 2. - added additional entities for Frontline Force 1.2a, from list forwarded from the dev team. 2001/05/25 1.07.01 - added complete (hopefully) list of additional entities for Front Line Force 1.2a/1.3. - added best-guess list of entities for Day of Defeat b1.1. - added best-guess list of entities for Science & Industry 0.97 (later confirmed by SI lead programmer). - added better guess list of entites for Action Half-Life b4. - shrunk entity lists for Jailbreak and Judgement to include only mod-specific entities (rather than common Valve entities which are in a separate list). - in THREAD_CREATE inline, replaced "(DWORD (*)(void*)) func" with "(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) func" to properly compile under MSVC. - added engine_notes.html with a list of all the engine routines, and some comments. - added utils/getents.sh script to pull entity lists from .so files. 2001/05/08 1.07.00 - fixed "%s" server-crashing bug. "You should never pass strings with unknown contents as the format string." Metamod was passing a preformatted non-constant (thus unknown contents) string as the format string (and only argument) when handling printf-style varargs engine functions (in particular, AlertMessage). Ie, don't do: printf(buf); Instead do: printf("%s", buf); - added some entities for Action Half-Life Beta4, which should help address crashing on startup, especially with Last Man Standing random weapons. Note that I don't have an official, complete list of entities for the mod, so there may still be some instances of crashing. - added debugging messages for printf-style varargs engine routines, since we can't rely on trace_mm for this (as the messages are re-written by metamod before being passed to trace). - better info in trace plugin's log messages for AlertMessage and CreateNamedEntity. - altered debug levels AlertMessage API routines in api_info.cpp 2001/05/04 1.06.10 - fixed a couple of entities for HL Paintball. - added links.html to docs, a set of links/URLs and books that I found helpful for the project. - added to META_INTERFACE_VERSION comments to include associated metmaod version for each change. - additional data checking in various MPluginList routines. - added 'const' to various function arguments to more properly reflect function purpose. - changed various function macros to inlines, to provide more obvious type checking, and easier debugging. - adjusted private/public members of various classes, to try and make them more proper. - added new_handler code, for upcoming code additions. - added MPluginList::find(plid_t id), for upcoming code additions. - added thread primitives to osdep, for upcoming code additions. 2001/04/29 1.06.02 - added entities and mod recognition for VampireSlayer and Open-Source Jailbreak. - updated mod recognition for current names of Action Half-Life's DLL/SO files. - added some entities for FLF 1.2a, listed on Botman's news page. - added some docs for Installation and Compiling. - added build type info (optimized, debugging, etc) to the SpecialBuild tag in the version info for the win32 DLL. - disabled SDK's "DBG_" functions, for MSVC win32 debug compiles. 2001/04/22 1.06.01 - added some entities for FLF 1.2. - better info in trace plugin's log messages for DispatchObjectCollsionBox, SetModel, FindEntityByString, SetOrigin, EntOffsetOfPEntity, PEntityOfEntIndex. - fixed missing initialization for "len" in wdmisc. - added links to sections in html docs. - for non-critical interface version mismatch, changed from a META_ERROR to just META_LOG, since it's not, strictly speaking, an error. 2001/04/17 1.06.00 - added support for "metaexec.cfg", a commands file to be exec'd after loading the plugins, for plugin commands and cvars, since autoexec.cfg is parsed too early (before plugins loaded) and server.cfg is parsed too late (after ServerActivate). - better info in trace plugin's log messages for MessageBegin, WriteString, AlertMessage, RegUserMsg - to provide more manageable trace log output, throttled trace plugin to 1 logmsg per second, by default (of course, this can cause log messages to be lost). Added cvar "trace_unlimit" (0/1) to enable unlimited logging, as it did previously. - added centersay meta-utility functions (CENTER_SAY, CENTER_SAY_PARMS, CENTER_SAY_VARARGS). Raised META_INTERFACE_VERSION from 5:3 to 5:4. - fixed crash when trying to load typical game DLLs (like standalone-bots) as metamod plugins. - fixed segfault on failed plugin attach; was dlclosing plugin prematurely. - in wdmisc, added a proof-of-concept for catching certain game events by doing string matching on all the log messages produced by the game. Ugly, to be sure, but interesting nonetheless. - added more entities for HL Paintball, and fixed the linux so name. - added "-Wno-unused" to CFLAGS when compiling sdk_util.o, to alleviate the complaints from #including all the extra SDK header files and class definitions. - removed GetEntityAPI routine from trace plugin, as it's unnecessary as a metamod plugin if already providing GetEntityAPI2. - in trace, moved gMetaFunctionTable declaration to plugin.cpp, so that meta_api.cpp can be a standard (plugin-independent) sourcefile used in any plugin. - updated the docs to include recent new features, as well as some better discussion of coding details. 2001/04/06 1.05.00 - created utility callback functions, for use by plugins, to reduce code duplication and help simplify some things. Currently, these consist of only some convenient logging functions (LOG_CONSOLE, LOG_MESSAGE, LOG_ERROR, LOG_DEVELOPER). - added "mutil_funcs_t" to Meta_Query, to pass the meta utility function table. Increased META_INTERFACE_VERSION from 5:2 to 5:3. - made sure all exported DLL routines (ie routines that are accessed via dlsym) are both declared _and defined_ as 'extern "C"', so that the C++ compiler enforces parameter type-matching, rather than considering routines with mis-matched arguments/types to be overloaded functions... Note that it's not sufficient to just be declared "C"; it has to defined this way as well, to make sure the C++ compiler matches it with the declaration. Otherwise, again, it'll consider it an overloaded function, and allow it happily without complaint, and cause the subsequent dlsym to fail. - created and deployed C_DLLEXPORT macro for declaring/defining functions 'extern "C" DLLEXPORT'. - added plugin 'wdmisc' as a basic example, and for my miscellaneous commands/cvars. - renamed "mm_stub" and "mm_trace" to "stub_mm" and "trace_mm" to make plugin name more apparent, and to be more consistent with adminmod_MM. - had to move plugin_info_t to its own header file, to avoid circular #include's between meta_api.h and mutil.h. - in dllapi.cpp and engineapi.cpp, pulled RETURN_API out of META_HANDLE macro, to make it easier to add code to middle of API routines. - renamed util_meta.h to support_meta.h, to avoid confusion with mutil.h - some code cleanup (better 80-column linebreaks). 2001/04/03 1.02.00 - added support for Half-Life Paintball - added "*_mm" and "*_MM" to the list of suffixes to look for when loading plugins at console. - log errors when plugin tries to use MRES_SUPERCEDE in a _Post function (supercede is only relevant in a non-Post function; use OVERRIDE in a Post function). - mm_trace: added info to trace log for FindEntityInSphere - added osdep macro for strcasecmp, for compiling under windows - fixed a debug log message for GetEngineFunctions_Post - fixed a couple internal references to engine globals (gpGLobals) - renamed local SDK API routines to "mm_*" for easier debug breakpoints - altered debug levels for a couple API routines in api_info.cpp 2001/04/01 1.01.00 - replaced use of FStrEQ in most places with !strcasecmp, so that case doesn't matter for things like console commands ("META LOAD" will now work in addition to "meta load") and paths (like "-game CSTRIKE"; and win32 filepaths are case-insignificant anyway). Interestingly, the HL engine ignores case for console commands ("ADMIN_COMMAND" works), but cvars are only recognized with matching case ("ADMIN_DEBUG" does not work). Confusing. - added "by " when printing author info, to make it a bit clearer - added a bit more operation info to metamod.html 2001/03/30 1.00.00 - released as v1.0, for inclusion with release of Adminmod v2.50. - added $(VERSFILE) to Makefile and Config.mak, to better insure correct rebuild on version number changes - added "i486", "i586", and "i686" to "i386" in the list of prefixes to look for when loading plugins at console. - added "MDLL*" and "MNEW" macros in meta_api.h, to be more convenient for plugins to call GameDLL functions. - added missing "extern gamedll_funcs_t *gpGamedllFuncs" to meta_api.h - added handling of gpGamedllFuncs in stub, for example purposes. - fixed problems with running bots under metagame.ini: - moved instantiation of Plugins object to before meta_load_gamedll, so that if gamedll calls engine functions during GiveFnptrsToDll (like hpb_bot does), META_ENGINE_HANDLE won't crash from a null Plugins object pointer. - in GET_FUNC_TABLE_FROM_GAME, memset gamedll.funcs.struct_field, and then free/null it if the gamedll's GetFuncs call fails, to handle the situation where the gamedll provides GetNewDLLFunctions(), but doesn't have anything to return (like hpb_bot does, when the real gamedll doesn't provide GetNewDLLFunctions). - add handling of gpGamedllFuncs to mm_stub's Meta_Attach(). 2001/03/27 1.0-rc5 - fixed problem with crashing when a plugin failed to load (improper dereference of null 'info' structure; incomplete fix from rc2). - added a plugin status "badfile", for plugin files that appear to be invalid metamod plugins; this is to differentiate from "failed", which is a valid-looking plugin file (queried) but encountered a failure attaching/unloading/etc. - changed "-march=i686" optimization to "-march=i586", and moved this to only the optimized binaries, and not the debugging binaries. As it turns out, i686 doesn't work on things like AMD K6-III cpus (I know, go figure :). - duplicated functionality of adminmod's "admin.ini", except with a file named "metagame.ini". This will allow (at least partial) use with game DLLs that metamod doesn't support yet - "partial" because, although the game DLL will load, it may not work if it uses entities that metamod doesn't know about yet. It will also allow use of standalone "bot" DLLs, which sit between metamod and the gamedll (much like metamod sits between the engine and the gamedll). - added console command "meta game" to show information about the loaded game DLL (to help troubleshoot issues with "metagame.ini"). 2001/03/25 1.0-rc4 - split linkfunc.cpp into linkent.h, linkgame.cpp, linkplug.cpp - split entity lists for mods into separate files, one for each mod; these are used to build linkgame.cpp - metamod/mm_trace version info should indicate debugging/optimized compile - added entity support for Judgement DM - added "-fno-rtti" to mm_trace gcc cflags, to address problem of unresolved CSaveRestoreBuffer symbols using older versions of gcc - lowered debug levels in GetEntityAPI, GetNewDLLFunctions, etc to enable "+developer" messages (6 -> 3). - removed "-Werror" from Makefile's default cflags; should only be used on devl system with edited SDK 2001/03/18 1.0-rc3 - central Makefile can now build optimzed as well as debugging targets; default to compile is debugging; default in 'dlls' dir is optimized - toplevel Makefile builds release tgz/zip files. TGZ file includes only linux .so objects, and text files in unix-LF format. ZIP file includes only win32 .dll objects, and text files in dos-CRLF format, and actual files rather than symlinks. - added mod recognition for "judgedm" mod; still need entities list - added 4 entities for Firearms 2.5 2001/03/07 1.0-rc2 - fixed missing WINAPI in mm_trace GiveFnptrsToDll - added HTML version of docs - description field in metamod.ini is now optional: - uses "name" from plugin info for desc by default - desc field in metamod.ini will override this - "meta list" shows just desc, rather than desc and name - altered debug levels for a couple API routines in api_info.cpp - added missing "load" cmd in "meta" usage help - added to "meta load" usage help - added macros RETURN_META(result) and RETURN_META_VALUE(result, value) to simplify plugin coding - added parameter "gamedll_funcs" to meta_attach(), to give each plugin a copy of the gamedll's API function tables - raised META_INTERFACE_VERSION to "5:2" - now load gamedll before plugins (rather than the reverse) so that it'll have the gamedll func tables to hand to the plugins - changed trace plugin console commands: trace_version -> trace version trace -> trace set untrace -> trace unset showtrace -> trace show - added "trace list " to list all available routines for tracing - fixed broken trace cvars - for "meta {load,unload,etc}" console cmd, added matching against plugin logtag, as well as for "mm_" in plugin file - handle null 'info' after failed plugin load (ie in "meta info" etc) - fixed "usage: meta list" errors on some meta commands; was calling cmd_meta_pluginlist() instead of Plugins->show() - fixed: unload/attach delayed plugins at changelevel - now doesn't export newapi if gamedll doesn't provide it - now doesn't call plugins getnewapi if gamedll doesn't provide it - fixed incorrect apitable references in MPlugin::show() 2001/02/08 1.0-rc1 - fixed unistd.h under MSVC - fixed S_ISREG under MSVC - fixed strncasecmp under MSVC - fixed void svr_meta() returning value - fixed missing WINAPI in mm_stub GiveFnptrsToDll - remade MSVC project for metamod - created MSVC project for mm_stub - added an example "metamod.ini" to ./docs